Pyrmont Barn: Hand Hewn Beauty

I was contacted by a local man who said he had a barn he would like deconstructed and wanted to know if I would be interested in taking on the job. I said I would love to come take a look. The next morning I hopped in my truck and drove the 10 miles East of Lafayette to the tiny town of Pyrmont, IN, not even a stop light, or any kind of store in this former mill town. I pulled down a long gravel lane and at the end was an unsuspecting building covered in huge poison ivy.
I quickly popped my head inside the door, and saw a ray of light through and open window shining on beautiful hand hewn beams, held together with wooden dowel rods.
I had seen all I needed to see! I told the gentleman I would be more than glad to take down the barn for him. The above picture looks pretty amazing, but the other end of the barn had damage to the roof and the building had become structurally unsound, and in fact, quite dangerous.
Old buildings like this have a lot of character, but can be an insurance liability and raise property taxes. Over the last week we removed the roof, and the all of the siding, then we carefully pulled the barn over.
In the coming weeks I will be taking great care to clean up the mess we have created, pulling the timbers out of the pile, and loading them on my trailer for transport back to the shop. It's a big project, but we're glad to be a part of this barn's history. More photos at